Tuesday, November 06, 2012

FLASHBACK: Mokustadi on ATV

In the late 90s a new television service was started by a known media guru in Finland, the man who successfully guided Finland's pioneer private commercial radio station 'Radio City' to success in the 80s through 90s, Mr Christian Moustgaard. The TV outfit was named ATV, Alue Televisio in Finnish, meaning, community, or if you like, local area television. It was something akin to the social networks of today, more of a you tube TV where the contents covers all kinds of events, topics, and other activities that mainstream media would never reach. It instantly became a hit, especially among young people, as most of the content providers were youths.

The life span of ATV was unfortunately cut short by financial constrain, to the extent that at a time the station resorted to looping porno by night time to meet up with the gigantic bills it had to pay to the cable company.

ATV was a concept that was far ahead of its time for if the station was lunched a few years later, it would have survived, as the improved technology of the day would have reduced  the financial requirements for running it. All the same, it stands on record that ATV was the first ever Grass-Root' Television in Finland, thanks to the actions of  innovative Christian Moustgaard.
Christian Moustgaard

'MOKUSTADI' (Multicultural Helsinki)
 Mokustadi was one of the programs looped on ATV. It covered multicultural activities around the city. These were events that do not feature in mainstream media, even though they were an important part of the evolving new Finnish society. The program was conceptualised by Ike Chime, a former radio broadcaster with FRCN, the Nigerian national public radio, and the defunct pioneer private commercial radio in Finland, Radio City, Helsinki.
Below is a flashback on the program 'Mokustadi' featuring a multicultural band called 'Afrobeat'.


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